Published on December 26, 2003 By smudger59 In Welcome
Welcome one and all ......

.... to the first entry of smudgers' JoeUser blog.

I am not that new to weblogging, having already got a couple of blogs, but I have inly just come across this particular site.

I am a Phone Enigneer from North Lincolnshire, UK. I have a wife and two kids, and , I have been told, spend way to much time on the computer (but not as much as some)

I tend do make "weekly" reports as such, depending on what has happened, or what I have to say.
I hope you will enjoy what is to come, and I'm sure that you will let me know if YOU have anything to say

Cheers for Now - Dave

on Dec 30, 2003
Hey Dave,
My name is Bob. I live in Tacoma, Washington, USA. Like you, I'm married; with children (2). Unlike you, though, this is my first weblog. Check it out. It's nothing special. But, hey, I'm writing something and getting my thoughts on paper as it were. I'd like it if we kept in touch. That would be cool to become friends with someone from another country. You never know when you might travel and have the chance to meet. Lookin' forward to hearing from you in the future!